Saturday, December 8, 2007

Post Script to Vallejo Times-herald article.

Post Script 12/8/07 :

Since Dan Judge's article appeared in the Vallejo Times-Herald (2 blogs down), we've distributed even MORE Crosses4Peace. I believe the number is approaching 280.

If you pass s-l-o-w-l-y through American Canyon Mobile home park, you'll see around 10 more crosses displayed by proud Americans who also stand for peace. I continue to see more in front yards every time I pass through beautiful old town Napa, too, thanks largely to John Stephens.

I heard from a delightfully vociferous Vallejo woman who's son(-in-law) was beginning his 3rd tour as a Marine, serving in Iraq. As you may know, the Marines asked to be moved to Afghanistan, but their request was denied by Defense Secretary, Gates. (cite below) She wanted to make it abundantly clear that she supported the troops 110% and she opposed the war just as much. But she NEVER, EVER wanted to see some of our country's greatest, bravest kids being treated as they were on returning from Viet Nam. I'm not quite old enough to remember, but I know a little about history and I couldn't agree with her more. She gave me permission to post this photo. She's, too, is an amazingly courageous lady. I'm beginning to believe the good guys are going to win, here, in America.

One quiet Sunday morning, I heard from Loana, who'd seen the article while visiting the Bay Area. She didn't have time to read it, so she stashed it in her suitcase to read when she returned to Louisiana. She called me to say she was going to build her own Cross4Peace. I told her about the directions on the main website, John's design works very well. It's a model of efficient engineering, particularly the pointed bottom that makes it easy for anyone with water and dirt to plant.

As we chatted further, she told me about her nephew, Derek Cathron, who lost his life in Iraq too soon. She told me about her sister's pain. Something so deep and lonely that it hurts to imagine even from the distance of my living room 1000's of miles away.
I want to officially offer my gratitude to Derek Cathron and his family and to every family grieving for a loved one lost in Iraq or Afghanistan. I will remember.

I want to offer my deepest condolence and sympathy to every family who lost an innocent relative or friend and to every person who’s lost his home and some sense of his dignity and security to these many conflicts in the Middle East.

I want to thank and support the wounded warriors like my friend’s brother (I don’t have permission yet to publish his name). He was wounded in Iraq, including injuries to his head. At some point during the military triage process, he said he was ambulatory, i.e. he could move and bath himself, etc. After all, many around him had lost legs or arms as he was not inclined to take scarce, but vital services away from his brothers and sisters in arms. He ended up in a large room where soldiers like him who had working limbs, were caring for others who had somehow claimed mobility, but couldn’t feed or get themselves to a bathroom. My friend, who’s seen plenty of ugliness right here, fights not to cry when she remembers how her brother was treated when he was most vulnerable. All he had was his family and his backpack. He clung to that backpack, she told me, like life itself. It had clean clothes, a calling card, a toothbrush and a cd player for company. I want to thank all you wounded warriors, and your families. I wish you all the fullest and fastest recoveries possible. May you always be remembered as the heroes you are.

I want to apologize to the people who have been unjustly imprisoned and tortured by our government and to their loved ones who must be tormented by not knowing, but imagining the worst. Too many of those who’ve had atrocities committed against them in our name were innocent. Some of them are still locked up in places like Guantanamo and other secret prisons around the world. I want you to know, many people are trying to stop this evil. We won’t forget. Torture is not about intelligence, it’s about control.

I want to thank and support the servicemen and women who are still there and those who are finally home safely. Whatever you’ve endured, I know you went there to do good and I’ll bet you did every chance you got. The Bible says there’s a time for war and a time for peace. I sincerely wish you less war and more peace. I can only offer you my respect, my gratitude and my tangible support. These organizations help me show my appreciation: and

Finally, among the cornucopia of peace workers in the world is a particularly courageous, steadfast and INFORMATIVE group, the Friends’ Committee for National Legislation. They provide information on military alternatives, how to become a conscientious objector, withholding taxes and other milder forms of protest like “Peace” bumper stickers and “War is not the Answer” yard signs. No matter how loudly the sabers rattled, the Friends (Quakers) have stood for peace and justice. Many folks ask “What Would Jesus Do?”. Too few do it.
Cite 1. AP article on Robert Gates' decision to keep the Marines in Iraq:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanks Vets & Families

About once/month I "live blog" a highway intersection at the gateway to the Napa Valley, using Crosses4Peace as a reminder of the tragic costs of war. The star-spangled banner flies at half-mast because our countrymen are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. I turn a card table on it's side to use as a temporary billboard. The first time, the billboard stood behind the field of 38 simple white gravemarkers, asking "How many more?" On another day, I had great fun with "Honk 2 Impeach" placed further behind the crosses display. I did not want to imply the fallen soldiers were calling for impeachment. I don't claim to speak for them.

As you can imagine, most people were pretty excited and gave honks of support, waves, peace signs and the like. As you can also imagine, not everyone was so pleased. A passenger who was stopped at the light yelled "How dare you?! They died for your right to do that!" I replied he was correct and that just as my grandfather had fought against facism on the beaches of Normandy, I was fighting against it here.

Nevertheless, his reminder was timely. On November 10, 2007 I remembered what he said: "They died for your right to do that!". So, on Sunday, 11-11-07, I left the Crosses4Peace and "War is not the Answer" signs (provided by Friends Committee for National Legislation [FCNL]) at home. I made it to the "live blog site" at 1:00. Old Glory flew high and proud that day. I carried a smaller flag behind my billboard which read simply "Thanks Vets & Families". This day wasn't about hawks or doves (or even vultures with no bid contracts). It was about Americans, gratitude, respect and human decency.

I was apprehensive when the Wal-mart truck driver pulled over. Was he just checking some mechanical whatchamacallit or would he come to talk to me? Most people who stop usually say something kind, whereas harsh words are hollered from the safety of a car's interior, but I have been confronted personally before... so you never can tell. He was REALLY big and his black t-shirt proclaimed he was an "American Trucker". He extended a closed black-gloved paw (it was HUGE!). In my mind, I thought, I can't believe this big man is going to hit (li'l ole) me without even saying anything and I imagined what it would feel like when his fist met my face. That's when he opened his hand and gave me the firmest, yet warmest hand shake I've ever had. He said he wanted to thank me. Fortunately, I was standing uphill from him so I could see the sincerity in his light blue eyes. The repressed fear and emotion of the moment began leaking from my eyes. I was glad I was wearing sunglasses.

"Are you a Vet?," I inquired.

He said, "Yes."

I gauged his age. "Desert Storm?"

Still holding my hand, he nodded.

"I'm glad you're back." I said

"Thank you." He said, then turned to go. I blew him a kiss before as he merged into traffic.

It's ironic. I felt so vulnerable alone on the hill when he first came to me, but because of the warmth of his grip and the vulnerability behind his eyes, I stayed twice as long as I'd planned. I'd gone to make other people feel appreciated and important -- and I believe I did -- but I was the one who went home feeling more valuable that I had in years.

Is this still a great country, or what!

P.S. As I expected, this was the most well-received live highway blog -- as measured by honks, waves, peace signs and verbal high 5's -- I've ever hosted.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Crosses for Peace on the front page, again.

From Dan Judge at the Vallejo- Times Herald.

Crosses for peace

As the city of Napa increasingly begins to resemble a cemetery, organizers of a silent anti-war protest are getting their point across.

NAPA - If the white crosses appearing on front lawns throughout Napa are starting to make the city increasingly resemble a cemetery, the organizers of the silent anti-war protest are getting their point across.

The unique Crosses4Peace demonstration is meant to serve as a stark reminder of the deaths resulting from the war in Iraq, said John Stephens, a member of the grassroots group UNCOIL (United Napans Concerned Over Iraq Lunacy).

"We are appalled at the number of people who are dying - not just soldiers but also civilians," he said Thursday. "The idea is to remind ourselves and the community that people are continuing to die and our tax dollars are paying for this terrible consequence."

Since the campaign started last December, UNCOIL has handed out 77 (actually more like 223)of the 3-foot crosses to Napa residents who request them, said Stephens, a 63-year-old retired plumber at Napa State Hospital.

Some leave the crosses unadorned while others personalize them with messages such as "peace" or a Star of David, he said.

"It's a great anti-war protest," Stephens said. "When we have a demonstration, we stand out there one or two hours. With the grave markers, our protest of the war is out there 24 hours a day. It's a very powerful message."

The inspiration for the protest was a contractor named Jeffrey Heaton who, with the help of the Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center, placed thousands of crosses on a privately owned hillside in Lafayette as a memorial to those killed in the war. The goal is to erect one cross for each fallen U.S. soldier.

Members of the Napa group found the message dignified and undeniable as well as one they would like to emulate.

Without enough land available to hold so many crosses, however, they elected to settle for a single cross on the lawn of anyone who wants to register their objections to the war.

UNCOIL member Summer Mondeau, 43, said a member of the Sonoma County Chapter of the Veterans for Peace put it best when he learned about the project.

"He said, 'Rather than putting 3,000 crosses in one place, the idea here is instead to put one cross in 3,000 places.' That summed it up rather nicely," she said. …

"I guess my wish is that that they just really understood what they've done - how much they've hurt the whole world," she said. "I guess this is my way of reminding them."

Mondeau added that anyone who would like to request one of the crosses free of charge can contact her by calling (707) 252-8242 or e-mailing

E-mail Dan Judge at or call 553-6831.

U.N.C.O.I.L. - United Napans Concerned Over Iraq Lunacy
WHO: Co-founded in early 2004 by Napa businessman, John Sensenbaugh
and physician, Dr. Eric Khoury

- Includes a working membership of well over 200

MISSION: To bring a swift end to the Iraq war

- Protests "the United States' questionable preemptive entry into war
with another sovereign nation"
- Promotes peace through responsible grassroots activism


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

to see the Crosses of Lafayette

I'd wanted to live highway blog today, but my son has baseball practice and my husband's at the Giants game, so I had opted for driveby freeway blogging while my kids (11, 9 & 8) were in school. (New to freeway blogging?

My newest good buddy, Shesh, joined me on a freeway blogging trek to the Crosses of Lafayette. We hung two banners facing southbound 680 on just before the 24west turnoff. The skyway we used has a view of Walnut Creek BART station. The first banner is in the photo:

The second banner, just next to it said: "US and Iraqi kids priceless". Then we headed toward the Crosses of Lafayette. These have been widely covered in the media. Before we got there, we stumbled upon a student demonstration -- in Lafayette (where the Upper Happy Valley looks down upon the Lower Happy Valley) !! Students from the local high school walked out to claim peace. See Katherine Tam's coverage (nice job!) in the Contra Costa Times Now, we were not freeway blogging on behalf of We were asserting our right to free speech -- certainly more critical to democracy than a billboard's right -- as individuals. Anyway, as the article mentioned, we happened to join the demonstration with an extra banner and two white crosses asking, "More War? call your Rep 1-202-224-3121" just before the police broke up the scuffle, but before the media left. My appreciate to Katherine Tam for including us -- even the website! And can I add how encouraged I am every time I see high school kids speaking out against this war. It is they, after all, who'll likely be drafted if we don't drastically and decisively change course.

We hung another banner over eastbound 24. This was the first time anyone ever said anything to us. As we were walking onto the pass over, she asked if we knew it was illegal. Shesh asked, "walking?" We ignored her, kept walking, and finally hung the banner. It's modeled after the bumper sticker which says, effectively "END THIS WAR" (it says"ENDLESS WAR", but LESS is replaced with "THIS")

We finally made it to the Crosses of Lafayette memorial. Shesh cried, too, just like I did the first two times I saw it.
We added two more crosses.

To our pleasant surprise, even after we took the time to stop for driveby food before heading home, the "END THIS WAR" sign was still there.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Live Highway Blog Blog

“Surrender Monkey!”

I opened my mouth to speak. Not to ask if being opposed to the war BEFORE it started would still qualify me as a “Surrender Monkey,” but to be sure the stranger at the stop light didn’t forget my personal favorite ,“Greedy Elitist,” among the chain of insults I expected him to hurl.

I had raised the flag from Pearl Harbor to half staff. We bought it when my family went to scatter the ashes from my husband’s “Uncle Lynn”. We learned was a hero, a survivor and a highly respected officer in the Navy. He received a 21-gun salute in a reverent, yet beautifully personal, Navy memorial service.

“Yeah, that’s what you are, a Surrender Monkey!”

I hadn’t yet planted the 3-foot white crosses on my corner of Highways 29 and 121/221, But he could see 45 in the grass on the 2 west side corners where Sybil’s and Joe’s bands of courageous volunteers wielded white crosses and peace signs. He had a clear view of the banner covering my black suv*, asking “How many more?!”.

I began to open my mouth again, but he yelled, “Coward!”, I think.

By now, I was feeling very helpful. I’d thought I’d offer: Traitor, America-hater, Terrorist Sympathizer, and Liberal Moron as well as Greedy Elitist to his list of slurs. I'd heard 'em all, by now, I figured. Silly me, he didn’t need help, he was just warming up.

“I have a nephew serving in Iraq! How dare you!” Optimistically, I began to open my mouth one last time. Many other people opposed to the war also had friends and family serving, after all, but I could only breathe.

“I know who you are, you Crosses4Peace people! That’s right, UNCOIL! (United Napans Concerned Over Iraq Lunacy). Bitch!”

I smiled. He knew us! Word really is getting around!

Since speaking wasn’t an option, I just kept grinning, flashed a Victory in America-style peace symbol and decided to get on with pounding 20 crosses into the ground. He recommended marijuana. Well, specifically he said something like, “Yeah, smoke another joint.” It seemed like odd advice. I did not follow it. I planted peace crosses instead.

From here, I refer you to Pat’s eggs-ellent recap about the entire peace weekend. It really is eggs-traordinary and I’m sure you’ll crack a smile.

Greetings to my Peaceful Friends out there:

What a weekend. I can honestly say I've had Peace served up in about every way there is to serve it, from scrambled to poached to over-easy. Fortunately, I've survived with nothing worse than passing soreness ... and a nicely pink, sunburned face (too dumb to remember to use sun block).

The "scrambled" version, of course, was the march in San Francisco on Sunday. I think of it that way because you see everything and anything down there along Market Street! And the participants sure hailed from a lot of different places. On the ferry going over, I chatted with a group of Dominican nuns from the Napa area ... and also a couple in their 40's come down from Chico just for the march. Later I
talked to a group from Sacramento.

When I arrived at Justin Herman Plaza, I had the very good fortune to run into my photo-journalist friends, Elaine and Phil Pasquini, who have written up the Benicia Vigil in the past for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. In fact, I sort of tagged along after them for a while so I could see the march from a journalist's
perspective ... which, of course, is an "outside" one to a great extent ... you're on the outside shooting in, in other words. They headed to the very front of the march as soon as it began to form up to join the media throng up there.

Of course, that's where Wounded Knee and his Vallejo Inter-Tribal Council was, marching with the veterans against the war, right behind the front liners from the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition. I get the sense that there's a lot of competition up there to be "in the lead". Wouldn't want to be the guy who has to make those decisions as I'm sure there are a lot of unhappy folks by the time the whole melange starts moving slowly up Market. I'd never been "up front" before and was surprised that a group of people have to come first with a rope stretched completely across the road ... this to give some "clear space" in front of the front ranks so that the media stands half a chance of getting some decent shots.

By the time the march got underway down at the foot of Market it was 1 PM. And up Market it ground, slowly, to the steady beat of drummers and the raucous chants from megaphones all up and down the ranks. It didn't take long for me to decide that travelling up ahead of the circus wasn't being "a part" of the show ... so I let a chunk of it pass me by and melted into the mass of people.

I remember now that my last SF march was in 2004. So it was hard not to compare the past with the present. My memories of 2004 were of a vibrant, energized, excited crowd. Maybe it was my imagination, but a lot of that seemed missing this time around. The crowd seemed definitely older, more subdued, almost "grim" in a way. After all, this thing in Iraq has ground along for far longer than it ever should have been allowed to. Perhaps people have lost the illusion that it will end quickly ... that Bush can be reasoned with ... that Bush has any intention of leaving Iraq. And we've all been horrified to near numbness by four years' worth of carnage. I wonder if others sensed that subtle change in tenor? You could see it in the signs, too.
Placard after placard of deep and abiding bitterness and anger toward Bush. My friend Lynn in Vancouver, Canada, spotted a sign that perhaps best sums up the frustration (please excuse the French).

Do not believe the San Francisco Chronicle. They estimated the crowd at 3,000. Anyone who was there will tell you that that is some awfully shoddy journalism. 30,000 is more like it. In fact, the organizers estimated 40,000. It took over an hour and a half to make the march all the way to the Civic Center. Being not far from the front, I was one of the first to arrive. I watched the Vallejo Inter-Tribal Council perform the ceremony to bless the event, then caught the first couple of speeches, then began to explore the booths ... by the time I reached the edge of the plaza I realized that marchers were STILL arriving. That's how many people were there.

I found myself a nice seat on a curb to sit in the warmth of the sun and listen to more speeches. That's when my un-sunblocked face really got a nice dose of
UV radiation ...
By the way, I carried the white cross that Summer M. had given me last Thursday ... that and one of John W.'s day-glo peace signs.

And speak of Summer ...
heh, I call her event up in Napa late on Monday afternoon my "poached" dose of Peace! You see, I've finally figured out what the Napa Peace People are up to. To me it's a form of Guerrilla Anti-Warrism. The object isn't to go to the same place over and over. The object is to "turn up" at a different intersection every time ... thus "poaching" on an intersection, I guess you could say. But in this case, the game wardens are the CHP ... and they're in on the gig.

This latest action, or "Highway Blog" as Summer calls it, was at the intersection of Hwy. 29 and the Silverado Trail, just east of the high bridge going over the Napa River. I hate to say that I'm not sure how many people we had ... somewhere between 15 and 20? But it was enough to "take over" all four corners. Most of the group lined up on the southwest corner where Soscol Ferry Rd. tees into Hwy. 29 and you could safely pull a car off onto the shoulder. Another cluster took the southeast corner with a large banner that said "STOP the WAR". Both groups stood amid 3 foot tall white crosses that they'd pounded into the ground.

Summer and her black van took the whole meadow on the northeast side for themselves. What a sight! She actually has a regulation flagpole that she sets up next to the van and braces off to it. From that, a large Old Glory fluttered at half mast on the road side. She spread her crosses all over that meadow, all at random, peeking up through the knee-high switchgrass. And that's where she ruled, walking back and forth like a ship sailing through the green, flashing a peace sign to the drivers
passing by.

But I got the best spot of all ... me and John Stephens, I should say. We got the whole of the knoll on the northwest corner! There was a parking lot over where the statue of The Crusher is ... so we dumped our vehicles there, found a place in the fence where the barbed wire was down, and hiked across the grassy expanse over to the knoll ... and randomly pounded in 15 to 20 white crosses up and down that thing ... a cluster here, a single there. Then we stood, each holding a white cross, up on the rise, where we could easily see half a mile of Hwy. 29 in each direction.

We stood out there from a little after 4 until 6 and drank in the horn honks and the waves and the peace signs and the thumbs up from passing motorists. Whooooo but there is a LOT of traffic coming through that area. You couldn't ask for better
exposure. There were the usual scattering of thumbs down, middle finger salutes and catcalls, but really minimal. The best were the air horns from passing truckers ... and there were a LOT of 'em.

I personally would have come back to that knoll week after week ... until John, an ardent environmentalist, clued me in that within about a month that field would be
thick with tics. That sort of changed my mind in a hurry. I guess I'll wait till the Napa Peaceniks pick their next Poached Intersection ...

And my "over-easy" Peace experience? Well, of course, that had to be the Candlelight Vigil at 8 PM Monday down on the waterfront at the Marina Green in Benicia. That was some 60+ friends getting together in a rather large and chilly "living room" ... but bringing with them a warmth of spirit I've seldom found anywhere else. As it happened, I had a flat of 40 vigil candles from our Thursday winter vigils that still had an hour or two of life to them ... so I got there early and found a place out on the lawn where the grass was pretty short and set the lights out in the shape of a 10 foot diameter peace symbol. By the time I'd set them out, people had already begun to arrive so I had plenty of help lighting up.

Then we all gathered around that peace symbol as Collette, the organizer, began to speak. One by one, various people spontaneously spoke up about the war in Iraq ... about the sheer tragedy of it, the waste of lives, the maiming of so many. A gentleman named John read a powerful poem he had written about the war. And Roger S. had a poem of his own about the daily loss of life and its effects on all of us, whether we knew the dead or not. Mary Susan G. led us in a song she had written four years ago when this whole catastrophe was first set in motion.

What I saw at the end was the same thing I saw in San Francisco: that grim determination that THIS THING MUST END ... NOW. And that we are very much a part of what will bring it to a close. We and every group of people like us across America are the ones who articulate what a clear majority of Americans now feel, whether clearly or not ... that THIS THING MUST END ... NOW. No, we don't expect it to end tomorrow. But it MUST END ... NOW. We will see to it.

Peace, my friends ...

P.S. My favorite sign, Pat, was "Bombing for Peace is like Fu@#*n& for Virginity."

From the Napa Register's Top Stories:

War protest reaches Napa
Crosses for Peace planted on 4th anniversary of Iraq conflict
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Monday, March 5, 2007

Next Live Blog: a Crosses4peace Memorial.

The Next Live Highway Blogging Event

will be a memorial to the fallen in the Middle East, both soldier and civilian, at the . We'll host the event for commuters from 4:15 to 6:15 pm on Monday, 3/19/07, the 4th anniversary of the Iraq invasion.

Note new location: Event moved just one highway block to the intersection of Highways 29 & 221/Silverado Trail below "The Crusher" sculpture. To the north is Napa Valley, to the east is Lake Berryessa. Honest, if you're on Highway 29 near Napa after 4:15, you won't be able to miss us. Please be careful. You can turn around up if you need to, but the nice CHP officers asked us not to run across the highway, even when the light's red.,+ca&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=13&ll=38.241551,-122.268734&spn=0.070918,0.186768&om=1

We'll plant white Crosses4Peace in the grass along the highway, we'll hold crosses, too, so they can't be missed. My black hearse-like suv will carry the banner and hold the flagpole. The flag will fly at half-staff.
Blog about Friday's event at w/ photos precedes.

More on the genesis of Live highway blogging. Live Highway Blogging combines 2 new 21st century ideas to improve upon an idea older than America itself – protest. Memorials similar to the Crosses of Lafayette are being erected all over the country, but they often encounter problems with local municipalities because of ordinances limiting the size of signs or public displays. Freeway bloggers, on the other hand, typically hang large banners from overpasses or billboards near freeways with fairly concise political messages like, "Impeach" or "We’re all wearing the blue dress now." This is usually a misdemeanor, and the signs are typically removed within 24 hours – fewer in Napa .

Summer Mondeau of explained, "From necessity and the first amendment came invention. By standing at the memorials with our signs, our crosses and our American flag at half staff on public property, we are a peaceable assembly petitioning our government for redress. That’s VERY legal." CHP has twice confirmed that the memorial event IS legal so long as the display is on a highway, not a freeway.

It was just another postcard evening w/ crystal CLEAR skies and full moon. As seen in the Vallejo Times-Herald (no link )and the Napa Register 1/3/07 "Iraq war draws Napa County vigil" (great photo of veteran and peace activist, Mark Glickstein)
When the event ends, we'll put our Crosses4Peace back in our front yards.

Crosses of Lafayette video link (KTVU News channel 2 with Amber Lee)

Finally, the last banner asked "How many more?" I'm thinking for the next one, I should say:

US: 3169 Iraqi: ?
Had enough?
call your Rep

What do you think?

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Crosses4Peace finds loophole around ordinance: The LIVE Highway Blog

Live Highway Blogging featuring Crosses4Peace

During peak commute time from 4:30 to 6:00 on Friday night, March 2, at the busy intersection of Highways 29 & 12, outside the Napa Airport, volunteers with UNCOIL's (United Napans Concerned Over Iraq Lunacy) project created a memorial to the fallen, both soldier and civilian, using 50 white crosses. Organizer Summer Mondeau, who calls the event Live Highway Blogging, hung large banners from the back and driver side of a hearse-like SUV asking, "How many more?!" The American flag (from Pearl Harbor) flew at half staff. Volunteers held white crosses and two-finger peace signs for passing cars who frequently responded with honks, waves and thumbs up Truckers were often the most emphatic, including the man who said his son is serving in Afghanistan.

John Stephens held his cross silent and still on top of a grassy cross-covered hill, mutely calculated how many cars passed the site. He said he'd conservatively estimated the blog was seen by drivers and passengers in 4,500 cars in just an hour and 1/2. "Not bad, for just 6 people," he announce cheerfully.

Unlike the Crosses of Lafayette memorial, the Crosses4Peace *Live* Highway Blogs don't violate local sign or display ordinances because there are live people attending the displays. After the event, the participants remove the crosses from the site and return them to their front yards. They are part of a movement of single white crosses displayed in front yards radiating from the Napa Valley across the Bay Area.

This movement is generating some local buzz as seen in Jill Decker's column:

Glad You Asked: Cross examined
By Jill Decker
Thursday, February 15, 2007
What are all of the white crosses on everyone's lawns? Do these people have loved ones who died in Iraq?

followed by an LTE on 2/27/07
Crosses on lawns send wrong message
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A response should appear soon.

Meanwhile, the Mt. Diablo Peace Center is planning to create their own grave markers intended for individuals to display

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Shop While They Drop

When the President said “Go shopping more”, he meant, “Forget my war”. They don’t want us to see the crosses or remember the death, so a movement has begun. Individuals are placing a single white cross in their front yards to mourn all those killed in this conflict, soldier and civilian. The 3 ft cross is meant to be a simple grave marker, not a religious symbol and express our devout opposition to more lost treasure. Some have added peace signs, prayers or a Star of David. Apartment dwellers can use white vinyl tape to make a cross in a window. It’s out there 24 hours a day reminding the community that this war must end. If you want one, contact Summer @ 707-252-8242 or